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the Alfresa Group's Basic Sustainability Policy

We create and deliver a fresh life for all.

We believe it is important to realize a sustainable society in order to create and deliver a fresh life for all.
We aim to contribute to the development of a society in which everyone can live in good health,
while at the same time increasing our corporate value in a sustainable manner,
by conducting business activities based on the Alfresa Group's principles
and by addressing social and environmental issues.

Alfresa Holdings Sustainability Policy

Contribution to Achieving SDGs

Through its efforts to address the key sustainability issues it has established in promoting sustainability management, Alfresa will contribute in particular to achieving the following SDGs and realizing a sustainable society.


3. Good Health and Well-Being

Contributing to the health of all people is at the core of Alfresa's business activities.
We will contribute to the health of all people by conducting business activities with sincerity.

3. Good Health and Well-Being

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

Alfresa actively promotes the creation of a workplace environment where employees can work comfortably. We have obtained the "Eruboshi" certification for advancing women's participation and the "Kurumin" certification for supporting the balance between childcare and work. We are committed to building a workplace where each employee can achieve a fulfilling balance between work and personal life.

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

Alfresa promotes its business activities together with the local community. We are contributing to the establishment of the Community-based Integrated Care System (Model) and have developed a BCP (Business Continuity Plan) to ensure constantdistribution of ethical pharmaceuticals during disasters, enabling us to supply necessary products nationwide.

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

13. Take Concrete Measures against Climate Change

Alfresa recognizes that global environmental issues that affect people's health and lives are one of its most important management priorities.In response to climate change, we will work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2.

13. Take Concrete Measures against Climate Change

17. Partnerships for the Goals

Alfresa will form partnerships with various companies and work to solve social issues.

17. Partnerships for the Goals