Alfresa’s Strengths
Alfresa leverages its five refined strengths to contribute to medical care institutions, patients, local communities, and domestic and international companies.
01Advanced logistics functions
Alfresa’s goal: “Safe and secure pharmaceutical logistics”
Learn more about Advanced logistics capabilities
Business Introduction
We take pride in our mission, which is to protect the everyday reality that medicine is available here, right now, through pharmaceutical distribution.
We deliver products such as ethical pharmaceuticals, diagnostic reagents, medical devices, and equipment from our nationwide distribution centers with high processing capabilities to hospitals, clinics, and dispensing pharmacies.
Our sales staff also have extensive knowledge and expertise to support our customers.

We introduce services that contribute to the overall convenience of the medical care and nursing care industries by supporting the efficiency of medical care settings and facilitating smooth communication through online tools and information provision.
View details of our services
- Others Notice regarding Alfresa Group Companies Recognized as the 2025 Outstanding Organizations of KENKO Investment for Health Program
- PR information Notice Regarding Achievement of ISO 9001 Certification by Alfresa Corporation Efforts to Improve Logistics Quality in the Alfresa Group
- PR information Notice Regarding Capital and Business Alliance Between Alfresa Corporation and Ascent Robotics Corporation
- PR information Notice Regarding the Establishment of the Pharmaceutical Sales Strategy Committee in Alfresa Corporation
- PR information Establishment of a New Company That Will Provide Online Healthcare Services for Health Management and the Prevention of Serious Illnesses for Employees of Road Haulage Operators
- PR information Notice Regarding Achievement of ISO 9001 Certification by Alfresa Corporation Efforts to Improve Logistics Quality in the Alfresa Group
- PR information Notice Regarding Capital and Business Alliance Between Alfresa Corporation and Ascent Robotics Corporation
- PR information Notice Regarding the Establishment of the Pharmaceutical Sales Strategy Committee in Alfresa Corporation
- PR information Establishment of a New Company That Will Provide Online Healthcare Services for Health Management and the Prevention of Serious Illnesses for Employees of Road Haulage Operators
- PR information Notice Regarding Business and Capital Alliance Between Alfresa Corporation and Medley, Inc.